
Love Is In the Air at Mt. Hebron

By: Dahlia Sambhi

Valentine’s Day at Mt. Hebron is an occasion marked by a blend of youthful exuberance, budding romance and enduring friendships. It’s a day filled with gestures of affection, heartfelt expressions and a vibrant atmosphere. The corridors are adorned with paper hearts and the aroma of chocolate; high school students embark on a journey of celebrating love.

For many high schoolers, Valentine’s Day isn’t solely about romantic love; it celebrates friendship and camaraderie. Classrooms buzz with excitement as students exchange handmade cards, chocolates and tokens of appreciation. The day serves as a reminder to cherish the bonds forged through shared experiences, laughter and mutual support.

“I think teenage romance is very sweet and generally can be a very positive thing if the individuals involved are willing to cooperate and make it work!” said Mt. Hebron sophomore Nidhi Dosad.

Valentine’s Day often becomes an opportunity for creative expression and acts of kindness. Students find unique ways to make their peers feel special and valued, from elaborate surprise proposals to simple handwritten notes tucked into lockers. At Mt. Hebron, students have started something called “Candy Gram,” an inventive way to send ring pops to the people you care about. Students can even send them to themselves.

“I bought like three Candy Grams for myself,” said Mt. Hebron sophomore Katie O’Neill.

Valentine’s Day can be a whirlwind of emotions for those navigating teenage romance. From secret admirers to couples exchanging heartfelt gifts, the day unfolds like a romantic narrative from a teen drama. Cafeterias transform into makeshift rendezvous spots as young love blossoms amidst the hustle and bustle of school life.

However, Valentine’s Day in high school has its complexities and challenges. For some students, the day may accentuate loneliness or longing for companionship. Yet, amidst the sea of red roses and heart-shaped candies, there lies a reminder that love extends far beyond romantic relationships. It encompasses the family bonds, the warmth of friendships and the unwavering support of mentors and teachers.

“I’m going to get my mom some flowers,” said Mt. Hebron sophomore Deven Hukamani.

As the school day draws to a close and the echoes of laughter fade away, high school Valentine’s Day leaves behind a tapestry of memories in students’ hearts. Whether it’s a stolen glance across the classroom, a heartfelt confession of admiration, or a simple act of kindness, Valentine’s Day in high school is a testament to the transformative power of love in all its forms.

In the tapestry of student life, Valentine’s Day emerges as a vibrant thread, weaving together moments of joy, friendship and romance. It’s a celebration of the human spirit’s capacity to love and be loved, resonating far beyond the confines of school walls and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who experience its warmth.

Categories: Editorials

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